The preferred countertop fabricator of the Carolinas since 2008.
Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 6:00PM

Bianco Rhino

Bianco Rhino marble is a premium natural stone prized for its subtle elegance and refined beauty. Quarried in Namibia, this marble features a pristine white background with delicate veining in shades of grey and beige. The marble’s soft and neutral color palette is reminiscent of the majestic Rhinoceros, lending the stone its name, “Bianco Rhino,” meaning “White Rhino” in Italian. Often referred to as “White Rhino Marble” or “Namibian White Marble,” Bianco Rhino is the epitome of understated luxury, making it a popular choice for sophisticated and serene spaces. Its subtle veining and soft hues make it ideal for creating tranquil kitchen countertops, elegant bathroom vanities, and serene living environments. Bianco Rhino marble complements a wide range of design styles, from sleek contemporary to warm traditional, offering a timeless and luxurious touch to any interior.

Bianco Rino - Marble
Bianco Rino – Marble


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Bianco Rhino marble a durable stone for countertops?

Bianco Rhino marble can be a good choice for kitchen countertops for those who value beauty and elegance above all else. However, as with most marble, it requires more maintenance and care than other material types due to its susceptibility to staining and etching. If you’re willing to embrace its patina and adhere to regular maintenance, marble can add unparalleled beauty to your kitchen, while meeting the needs of your countertop space.

What areas of the home do most people use Bianco Rhino marble?

Bianco Rhino marble is versatile and can be used throughout the home, including kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, fireplace surrounds, and even outdoor kitchens with proper coverage and care. Its elegance makes it suitable for spaces designed for relaxation.

Is Bianco Rhino marble considered a popular choice for residential countertops?

Yes, Bianco Rhino marble has become a very popular choice for residential countertops due to its sleek, sophisticated appearance and the luxurious ambiance it adds to any space. Its timeless beauty ensures it remains a favorite among homeowners.

Is Bianco Rhino marble rare?

Like most natural stone countertops, it is difficult to quantify the rarity of Bianco Rhino marble given that each slab is one-of-a-kind. Without knowing how much Bianco Rhino marble remains to be discovered around the globe, it is impossible to state that its existence is rare. That said, we do know that with the recent increase in popularity and demand for Bianco Rhino marble, it is becoming exceedingly difficult to source in bulk — which in our opinion, means that Bianco Rhino marble will eventually become a rare find.

Is each slab of Bianco Rhino marble unique?

Yes. Just like fingerprints and snowflakes, each slab of Bianco Rhino marble is unique. This means that your Bianco Rhino marble countertops will have a distinct, one-of-a-kind pattern and veining. How cool is that to share with your friends and family when they visit your home?!

Do you offer a matching backsplash in Bianco Rhino marble?

Absolutely. We offer matching backsplashes in Bianco Rhino marble to complete the look of your countertops. A matching backsplash can enhance the visual continuity and elegance of your space.

What are the recommended cabinet styles and colors to pair Bianco Rhino marble with?

Bianco Rhino marble pairs beautifully with a wide range of cabinet styles and colors, from classic white to rich wood tones to eccentric color palettes. Its versatility allows it to complement both modern and traditional décor, making it a perfect choice for almost any kitchen or bathroom.

Are Bianco Rhino marble countertops low maintenance?

Bianco Rhino marble can be a good choice for countertops by those who value beauty and elegance above all else. However, as with all marble countertops, it requires more maintenance and care than other materials due to its susceptibility to staining and etching. If you’re willing to embrace its patina and adhere to regular maintenance, Bianco Rhino marble can add unparalleled beauty to your kitchen.

What edge profiles look best with Bianco Rhino marble?

The sleek and sophisticated nature of Bianco Rhino marble is enhanced by a variety of edge profiles, from the simplicity of a straight edge to the elegance of a beveled or bullnose edge. The choice depends on your personal style and the overall design of your space.

How can I highlight the colors and veining of Bianco Rhino marble?

To highlight the deep, unique colors and subtle veining of Bianco Rhino marble, consider using under-cabinet lighting or natural light sources. These lighting conditions can accentuate its natural beauty as well as add depth to your space.

How do I clean Bianco Rhino marble countertops?

We recommend cleaning Bianco Rhino marble countertops with a soft cloth and a mild, pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for natural stone. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners, and wipe up spills immediately to prevent staining. Regularly sealing your countertops will also help protect them from damage. You should be vigilant in cleaning up any spills immediately on marble.

Is Bianco Rhino marble a good choice for a kitchen renovation or bathroom remodel?

Bianco Rhino marble is an excellent choice for both kitchen renovations and bathroom remodels. Its timeless elegance and luxurious nature make it a preferred option for transforming any space into space that is surely to be the envy of everyone that sees it.

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